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Friday, July 26

7:00am EDT

Morning Melodic Mantra Meditation

avatar for Khaki Martin

Khaki Martin

Khaki Martin is a harmonic healer and spiritual teacher who guides ceremonies to nourish the nervous system, liberate the voice, and cultivate a harmonious mind, body, and spirit connection. Her signature approach blends music, ancient traditions, neurobiology, breathwork, and reiki... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 7:00am - 7:30am EDT
House of Joy Brick Terrace, Upper Pack Square Park, Asheville 28801
  Free Community Event

8:00am EDT

Vitality & Vision ~ The Art of Kundalini & Energetic Healing

This integrative workshop beautifully weaves the practice of Kundalini Yoga with the soul-soothing arts of guided meditation and Reiki healing.
Designed to enhance your inner and outer glow, this session draws upon the Magnificent Nine—a series that invigorates and balances your feminine energy while massaging your glands to alleviate stress. Alongside this dynamic practice, you will drift into a serene, guided meditation, allowing your mind to enter a state of profound peace and clarity.
To further enhance your journey towards wellness, Faith will share her years of energetic healing and the channeling universal energy to support emotional and physical healing while also aiding you in aligning your chakras and elevating your spirit.

avatar for Faith Hunter

Faith Hunter

Founder/Author/Speaker, Spiritually Fly™
Faith Hunter is an esteemed global yoga and meditation instructor, wellness philanthropist, movement motivator, healing guide, and passionate music enthusiast. She is the creator of the Spiritually Fly™ philosophy, a life approach designed to awaken the inner brilliance of the soul... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

8:00am EDT

Joy Embodied

This Vinyasa Flow class is a creative blend of classical and modern yoga philosophies. Elements of Ashtanga, Iyengar, Dharma, and Bhakti are uniquely fused together to create a transformative yoga practice that is challenging, healing, and fun. We will use pranayama, postures, music and meditation to create balance, strength, and flexibility in the body and mind. This specific sequence will maximize consciousness along the spinal column to enhance awareness of the nervous system. The body will feel strong, the mind calm, and the emotional system balanced; and with that, a sense of peace and JOY EMBODIED.

avatar for Tymi Howard

Tymi Howard

International Yoga Teacher, Tymi Howard Yoga & James Island Yoga Studio
Tymi is an international yoga teacher, certified holistic coach, creator of Manifest Yoga International Teacher Trainings, founder of Guruv Yoga Studios, and just opened up her latest passion project, James Island Yoga in Charleston, SC. Pioneering the Vinyasa and Yin Yoga movement... Read More →

avatar for DJ Taz Rashid

DJ Taz Rashid

Musician/Producer/DJ, Soul Groove Wellness
DJ Taz Rashid brings a high vibrational energy to any room instantly by mixing the beats and rhythms of Love, Ancient New World, House, Devotional, and all the cosmic sounds. He is known for his unique style of blending electronic dance music with yoga and meditation, which has made... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
The Venue (Mezzanine)

8:00am EDT

Soma Nectar Flow ~ Hips, Mantra & Meditation

Shiva is the ground of pure awareness and Soma is the elixir of moonlight. Bathe in the nectar of yoga with deep hips, twists, and forward folds.This session turns more inward with self-acceptance, reflection, mantra and meditation. Hear the stories of Shiva transforming poison into nectar and chant the Shiva mantras.

Sianna and Masood will guide you in this Shiva Temple experience to support a sacred shift in your own mind and inner realms of consciousness. Go on a healing journey with the sonic alchemy of the hand pan and hypnotic states of consciousness with Sianna.

Rasa Yoga is a bhakti fusion of asana, mantra, mudra, myth, pranayama, meditation, functional anatomy, Tantric yoga philosophy, shadow work, social justice advocacy and soul alchemy.

avatar for Sianna Sherman

Sianna Sherman

Visionary & Founder, Rasa Yoga Collective
My pronouns are she/her. I’m an international yoga teacher, storyteller, speaker, and guide for transformative experiences through yoga, alchemy and collective ritual. I’m the visionary and founder of Rasa Yoga, Mythic Yoga Flow®, and RITUAL 13-Moon Mystery School.

avatar for Masood Ali Khan

Masood Ali Khan

Hello my name is Masood Ali Khan, my pronouns are he/him.I am a pioneer of singing mantras with the hand pan for the benefit of humanity.I am a intuitive creative shadow work group facilitator, sound healer, men’s group,actor and devoted father and partner.As a musician and believer... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Theater) 80 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801, USA

4:00pm EDT

Lineage of Light ~ Embracing Ancestral Power Through Breath & Meditation

Lineage of Light: Embracing Ancestral Power through Breath and Meditation" is a transformative workshop led by Faith Hunter that invites you to connect with the enduring wisdom of your forebears. This session is a confluence of Faith's Spiritually Fly philosophy and ancestral veneration, designed to heal and infuse your soul with the strength of past generations. As you embark on this journey, Faith will guide you through powerful breathwork techniques, encouraging the flow of healing energy. With a journal in hand, you will explore the depths of your lineage, documenting insights and revelations and engaging in meditative practices that bring forth clarity and empowerment. The workshop is a blend of dynamic breathing practices, mindful intentions, and powerful energy shifts, meticulously aligned to stimulate and strengthen your chakras. Each aspect of the practice—from grounded awareness to breath connection that encourages ignites personal power, and fosters love and truth—aims to foster a deep connection with your inner self and the ancestral power that supports you. This holistic experience is more than a meditative breath experience; it's a ritual of emotional and spiritual awakening, inviting you to embrace your greatness and step into a life of balance and enlightenment.

avatar for Faith Hunter

Faith Hunter

Founder/Author/Speaker, Spiritually Fly™
Faith Hunter is an esteemed global yoga and meditation instructor, wellness philanthropist, movement motivator, healing guide, and passionate music enthusiast. She is the creator of the Spiritually Fly™ philosophy, a life approach designed to awaken the inner brilliance of the soul... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:15pm EDT
Mojo Social
Saturday, July 27

10:00am EDT

  • This class will be led by four SAFE Yoga instructors offering a blend of yoga styles into one experience.  SAFE being an acronym for sharing, accessible, free-flowing, energy.  This program seeks to educate and engage BIPOC communities about the benefits of yoga and wellness practices. The goals of this program include expanding students' views of yoga and providing knowledge of how to integrate yoga into their everyday lives. We'll begin with easeful movement, build up to vinyasa flow, and end with sound bowls and guided visualization.  A few chairs will be accessible to practice seated.

avatar for Kiesha Battles

Kiesha Battles

Board President, You Call This Yoga
Kiesha first connected with You Call This Yoga (YCTY) as a yoga practitioner in 2018, and has increased her service to the organization over the years through the development and teaching of key programming, both virtually and in-person.  Most of these programs were key contributions... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
House of Joy Brick Terrace, Upper Pack Square Park, Asheville 28801

10:00am EDT

Spiritually Fly ~ Root to Rise

Awaken to the radiant energy of a new day with "Root to Rise," a uniquely empowering Spiritually Fly™ session curated by Faith Hunter that infuses your morning with a mindful flow designed to warm the body, stimulate the mind, and kindle the spirit. This all-encompassing practice invites you to plant your feet firmly on the ground, establishing a rooted connection with the earth that serves as the foundation for your day's journey. As Faith guides you through a creatively woven tapestry of soulful movement, your body begins to generate a nurturing heat, each movement flowing into the next, heralding the day's vibrant potential. The incorporation of breathwork propels every cell, electrifying your presence in the here and now, while sankalpa, the art of intention setting, casts a visionary light onto your path, anchoring you in purpose and direction. This practice, accessible to yogis of all levels, promises not just a sequence of poses, but a transformative experience that resonates beyond the mat, leaving you feeling grounded and uplifted, ready to rise and embrace the day's endless possibilities.

avatar for Faith Hunter

Faith Hunter

Founder/Author/Speaker, Spiritually Fly™
Faith Hunter is an esteemed global yoga and meditation instructor, wellness philanthropist, movement motivator, healing guide, and passionate music enthusiast. She is the creator of the Spiritually Fly™ philosophy, a life approach designed to awaken the inner brilliance of the soul... Read More →

avatar for DJ Taz Rashid

DJ Taz Rashid

Musician/Producer/DJ, Soul Groove Wellness
DJ Taz Rashid brings a high vibrational energy to any room instantly by mixing the beats and rhythms of Love, Ancient New World, House, Devotional, and all the cosmic sounds. He is known for his unique style of blending electronic dance music with yoga and meditation, which has made... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
The Solarium at Restoration 68 Patton Ave, Asheville, NC 28801

4:00pm EDT

Meditation with Janet

Let’s awaken to our splendid inner world, sit with the fullness of our mind, body, spirit and return back to the world with clearer seeing, actions, and grounded from the inside out.

avatar for Janet Stone

Janet Stone

Founder, Janet Stone Yoga
Janet’s yoga journey began at 17 under Maharaji, her meditation teacher, whose reverence for simplicity and joy live on in her practice and teachings to this day. She shares from the depth of her own sadhana (sustained practice), her studentship in the eight-limbed path, her creative... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
The Venue (Mezzanine)

4:00pm EDT

Awakening Sorrow-less Joy

Join Joe Rocco Falco (@joeroccofalco) and Nichole Falco (@NicholeFalco) for a unique practice that integrates Live Guitar & Mantra, Gentle exercises for joint health and vitality with the transformative practice of Vishoka Meditation. Drawing from the teachings of Swami Rama and insights from Pandit Rajmani Tigunait of the Himalayan Institute, this class offers a holistic approach to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Through Vishoka meditation participants are guided to transcend pain, sorrow, and fear, awakening their inner healing potential and cultivate courage and serenity in their lives.

avatar for Joe Rocco Falco

Joe Rocco Falco

Founder, House of Yoga
Joe Falco is a down-to-earth professor of the Vedic arts & sciences and the founder of House of Yoga. His diverse background spans classical music training, martial arts practice, CrossFit coaching, fronting a rock band, and even holding the title of one of the youngest Worshipful... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Mojo Social
Sunday, July 28

8:00am EDT

The Return to You ~ Meditation & Journaling Practice

This immersive experience is crafted to complement the soul-enriching affirmations and journal prompts found within the pages of Faith Hunter's new journal "The Return to You." In this session, you will engage with mindful reflections that encourage self-discovery and affirmations that foster a deep-seated love for oneself. The workshop is a sanctuary where mindfulness meets self-compassion. Faith’s guidance helps you unlock your emotions, challenge limiting beliefs, and embrace the fullness of your being. You'll cultivate inner peace through intentional breathing practices and meditation, setting the tone for introspective journaling sessions where your thoughts and affirmations take flight. This workshop is not just a class; it's a transformative process that gifts you the clarity and courage to return to your truest self. Join us to honor your path, illuminate your spirit, and write the story of your heart's revival.

avatar for Faith Hunter

Faith Hunter

Founder/Author/Speaker, Spiritually Fly™
Faith Hunter is an esteemed global yoga and meditation instructor, wellness philanthropist, movement motivator, healing guide, and passionate music enthusiast. She is the creator of the Spiritually Fly™ philosophy, a life approach designed to awaken the inner brilliance of the soul... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

8:00am EDT

Harmony of the Nadis ~ An Ayurvedic Perspective

Our channels are the key to our wellness. Long considered sister sciences, Ayurveda and Yoga both share the principles of deep cleansing to bring about radical healing of the body. In this class we'll explore principles from both practices to support clearing of our channels to bring clarity and healing in our bodies. We'll use practices of pranayama, sun and moon salutations to bring cleansing and harmony to our physical and subtle channels to experience true bliss and joy.

avatar for Nishita Shah

Nishita Shah

Nishita is a passionate Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga teacher & trainer, and a certified yoga therapist. While studying at the Ayurvedic Institute (AI), Nishita had the great fortune to learn Ayuryoga® with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, and received her 500-hr Ayuryoga® certification... Read More →

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Ayurprana Institute

AyurPrana provides a modern approach to personal wellness. Inspired by the ancient sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga, we offer practices specific to your mind/body type and in support of your personal health - so you can flourish into your full self-expression!This is how we raise consciousness... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:15am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Theater) 80 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801, USA

10:00am EDT

Surrender Into ~ A Sound Journey Meditation

Join Sound Healer Khaki Martin in an active listening sound journey designed to soothe the senses and cultivate deep inner peace. Journey through the subtle realms of vibration as you’re serenaded by the powerful sounds of overtone-omitting resonant instruments and otherworldly vocal melodies. You’ll float away into a space of expansion as you are gently and expertly guided into meditative brainwave states that are associated with deep rest, rejuvenation, and intuition.

In this 60-minute sound bath meditation you can expect: An overview of the science behind sacred sounds, and how these frequencies affect your brain and nervous system, A guided visualization meditation to ease you into a deep active listening state, A symphony of sound, including instruments such as crystal alchemy bowls, harp, chimes, drum, and channeled vocal melodies, A reiki-infused experience to lovingly support and refresh your mind, body and spirit. These intentional frequencies reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, and help improve overall mood and mental processing. This unique Sound Journey experience will leave you feeling balanced, relaxed, and at peace.

avatar for Khaki Martin

Khaki Martin

Khaki Martin is a harmonic healer and spiritual teacher who guides ceremonies to nourish the nervous system, liberate the voice, and cultivate a harmonious mind, body, and spirit connection. Her signature approach blends music, ancient traditions, neurobiology, breathwork, and reiki... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Theater) 80 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801, USA

10:00am EDT

Mellow Fun Flow

Let’s enjoy the last day of the festival together with a fun, relaxing and uplifting class creating amazing memories as we send each other off on a wave of love, joy and good vibes! This class is a great way to decompress and rest before heading back home.

avatar for MC YOGI


MC YOGI is a recording artist, author, and yoga teacher. He's taught yoga and performed at festivals across the globe including headlining at Wanderlust Festival in over 30 US cities as well as Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Korea. His unique style of music and teaching is joy filled... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
The Venue (Mezzanine)

12:00pm EDT

Mindscapes & Meditation

Dive deep into the essence of being with "Mindscapes & Meditation," a soulful sojourn into the art of mindfulness and the power of self-reflection. This isn't just another meditation class; it's an intimate exploration of the inner workings of our minds, designed to demystify the practice of meditation and illuminate its transformative potential. With each guided session, we'll journey together through various meditation techniques, embracing the gentle flow of mindfulness and the warmth of loving-kindness, all while uncovering the profound impact of inner stillness on our mental and emotional well-being.

Woven into our practice are heartfelt discussions that delve into the philosophy and science behind meditation. These conversations are about sharing insights and experiences, making meditation accessible and deeply relevant to our daily lives. Whether you're a seasoned meditator or just beginning to explore the realm of inner peace, this space is for you. It's about coming together in authenticity and openness, ready to dive deep and connect with the very core of our existence.

Join me in "Mindscapes & Meditation" for an authentic exploration of mindfulness, crafted with love and intention. As we part ways, you'll not only carry with you the tranquility and clarity gained from our time together but also the tools and understanding to weave mindfulness into the fabric of your daily life. This is more than just a practice; it's a journey to the heart of what it means to live fully, mindfully, and with profound intention. Let's embrace this adventure together, discovering the boundless tranquility and joy that await within.

avatar for Danni Pomplun

Danni Pomplun

Danni is a Yoga Educator and Mentor. He is the fearless owner of Haum SF, an LGBTQ+ owned Yoga Studio in San Francisco, California. He has worked with One Love which raises funds for underserved youth populations. Danni has also been an inspiration for both mental health and HIV advocacy... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Theater) 80 Broadway St, Asheville, NC 28801, USA
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