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Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom) [clear filter]
Friday, July 26

8:00am EDT

Yin-Yang Fusion ~ Balancing Effort & Surrender

Enjoy a dynamic exploration of light vinyasa interwoven with Kaiut elements, where we'll harmonize the interplay between effort and surrender.

This workshop offers a unique blend of dynamic movement and restorative practices, weaving together the fluidity of vinyasa with the grounding essence and joint care of Kaiut Yoga. Plan to flow through energizing postures to build strength and vitality, then drop into stimulating holds to cultivate deep release and strengthening. Discover how to find balance, both on and off the mat, as we journey through this holistic fusion of movement and mindfulness.

avatar for Tucker Shelton

Tucker Shelton

Tucker Shelton has studied and taught yoga for over fifteen years. Tucker holds 780 RYT training hours in Hatha, Ashtanga, Yin, Restorative, Bhakti Vinyasa, Vini, Senior, Therapeutic, Children's, Pre/Postnatal, Vinyasa Krama, Anusara, and Kaula Tantra Yoga forms and 475 training hours... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

10:00am EDT

Sacred Soundscapes

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Joe Falco (@joeroccofalco) and Jahidi (@jahidi.vibes). Immerse yourself in the captivating harmony of power flow Yoga intertwined with live music and percussion. Explore profound depths through guided meditation and elevate your spirit with a transformative sound healing encounter. Elevate your existence with this one-of-a-kind experience.

avatar for Joe Rocco Falco

Joe Rocco Falco

Founder, House of Yoga
Joe Falco is a down-to-earth professor of the Vedic arts & sciences and the founder of House of Yoga. His diverse background spans classical music training, martial arts practice, CrossFit coaching, fronting a rock band, and even holding the title of one of the youngest Worshipful... Read More →
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Jahidi studied Indian classical tabla with his guru, tabla master Pandit Sharda Sahai for more than 20 years.  A drummer since childhood, Jahidi explored shamanic sound healing for decades, creating his own modality of sound healing called Rhythmic Resonance Healing.  For the last... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

12:00pm EDT

The Power of Joy ~ Yoga, Pilates & Intentional Well-being

Join Dianne for a transformative experience The Power of Joy: Movement, and Intentional Well-being as a path to joy and liberation. We will weave Yoga philosophy, and Vinyasa flow, in conjunction with core connection/Pilates to express freedom in our bodies and enrich our minds. These practices teach us patience, perspective, and power, allowing us to navigate life with greater ease and clarity.

This class is rated E for EVERY BODY, whether you are a seasoned yogi or new to the practice.

avatar for Dianne Bondy

Dianne Bondy

Speaker/Presenter, Dianne Bondy Yoga
Self-Love is a Revolutionary ActDianne Bondy is a social justice activist, author, accessible yoga teacher,and the leader of the Yoga For All movement. Her inclusive approach to yoga empowers anyone to practice—regardless of their shape, size, ethnicity, or level of ability. Dianne... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

2:00pm EDT

A Badass is a Good Thing ~ Hips & Lower Back

It takes guts and glutes to be strong and free. If you suffer from chronic hip pain, it could be that you need more strengthening as well as stretching. We can only grow stronger and more open relative to how stable we are inside. Learn how you can use your yoga practice to build some support for your backside.

avatar for Desiree Rumbaugh

Desiree Rumbaugh

Founder, Yoga by Desiree
Desiree Rumbaugh is an internationally recognized yoga teacher with unquenchable enthusiasm for life, love and healing. She blends playful humor with an authentic inquiry into the nature of being to bring the ancient teachings of wisdom into the asana practice and then into modern... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

4:00pm EDT

The Dub Practice

Discover a balanced sense of connection, freedom, and joy as we explore the harmonious dance between our inner and outer worlds. Allow the deep bass and rhythmic beats of dub music to anchor us to the present moment and to the practice of feeling good. Let's make space for curiosity, adventure and joyful sacred movement. This will include asana, mantra, conversation, surrender and super dope music. See you there.

avatar for Marti Nikko

Marti Nikko

The daughter of a jazz pianist, Marti Nikko spent her childhood in nightclubs, absorbing the art and wisdom of many great musicians. Enthralled by what she heard, she began to sing and perform her own music, infusing her innate grasp of jazz and soul into a warm, natural voice.Marti... Read More →

avatar for DJ Drez

DJ Drez

Sound Ambassador, DJ
DJ Drez’s music has been moving bodies for more than two decades. His sound is an organic blend of mystical hip-hop, reggae roots, and Indian raga that has been known to instigate an ecstatic dance party one instant and soothe a group into a meditative savasana the next. DJ Drez... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)
Saturday, July 27

8:00am EDT

Peaceful Sanctuary

Allow this slow flow practice to be a peaceful sanctuary. We will move with intention and invite grace to wash over us through breath and body. Soothe the spirit as we let go together softening into a deep state of being. This will include asana, mantra, conversation, surrender and super dope music. See you there.

avatar for Marti Nikko

Marti Nikko

The daughter of a jazz pianist, Marti Nikko spent her childhood in nightclubs, absorbing the art and wisdom of many great musicians. Enthralled by what she heard, she began to sing and perform her own music, infusing her innate grasp of jazz and soul into a warm, natural voice.Marti... Read More →

avatar for DJ Drez

DJ Drez

Sound Ambassador, DJ
DJ Drez’s music has been moving bodies for more than two decades. His sound is an organic blend of mystical hip-hop, reggae roots, and Indian raga that has been known to instigate an ecstatic dance party one instant and soothe a group into a meditative savasana the next. DJ Drez... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

10:00am EDT

Discover The Delight, Defy The Dread ~ Inversion Encounter

Encounter your anxieties, and master the perfect alignment to soar. This workshop dares you to embrace the unknown, promises to ignite your core, and get your adrenaline racing. After a gentle warm-up session, we'll deconstruct the fundamentals of the handstand and crow - the primary gateways to an inversion practice. After a thorough investigation of these forms, we'll delve into other arm balances, inversions, and flows. We'll also equip you with techniques to comprehend and conquer fear. This class will push your boundaries, inviting you to unlock the staggering potential in your practice. You'll leave with a resourceful video and information sheet to continue your exploration at home.

avatar for Danni Pomplun

Danni Pomplun

Danni is a Yoga Educator and Mentor. He is the fearless owner of Haum SF, an LGBTQ+ owned Yoga Studio in San Francisco, California. He has worked with One Love which raises funds for underserved youth populations. Danni has also been an inspiration for both mental health and HIV advocacy... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 10:00am - 11:15am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

12:00pm EDT

Slow Your Roll ~ Yin Yoga & Deep Relaxation

This class will explore self-care as a necessary part of our access to joy and well-being. Together, we will unwind and stretch with yin yoga, finish with yoga nidra and meditation. The focus of this class will be about making peace bodies, quieting our minds and feeling the joy of connection between mind and body!

avatar for Dianne Bondy

Dianne Bondy

Speaker/Presenter, Dianne Bondy Yoga
Self-Love is a Revolutionary ActDianne Bondy is a social justice activist, author, accessible yoga teacher,and the leader of the Yoga For All movement. Her inclusive approach to yoga empowers anyone to practice—regardless of their shape, size, ethnicity, or level of ability. Dianne... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

2:00pm EDT

Jubilation Bhakti Flow

Jubilation is a feeling of great and extreme happiness and joy!. It is to be glad. It is to rejoice. It is to celebrate. This non dogmatic Bhakti Inspired Flow class is a celebration of love, service, and devotion; artfully sequenced to both contemporary and Bhakti beats.

Be prepared to dive into quad, psoas, hamstring and hip releases, cultivating opening and stabilization in the lower body. Transitioning into intelligently unwinding the shoulders, chest, and spine to experience the power of the anahata (heart) chakra. As the heart opens we are able to experience the flow of unconditional love and pure joy. You will most definitely sweat, sing, laugh and when the spirit moves dance!

avatar for Tymi Howard

Tymi Howard

International Yoga Teacher, Tymi Howard Yoga & James Island Yoga Studio
Tymi is an international yoga teacher, certified holistic coach, creator of Manifest Yoga International Teacher Trainings, founder of Guruv Yoga Studios, and just opened up her latest passion project, James Island Yoga in Charleston, SC. Pioneering the Vinyasa and Yin Yoga movement... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

4:00pm EDT

Twist & Traction ~ Partner Yoga & Therapeutic Flying

We can find so much more opening in our bodies when we leave the ground. And what starts as physical opening can blossom in deeper and subtler ways as we explore therapeutic flying poses (suspended bodywork). We'll explore asana and calibrate our connection in partner pose-assists.Then working with spotters, we'll build progressions to support someone in finding new sensations in poses that center space and rotation of the spine . All levels welcome, No Partner Necessary

avatar for Jean-Jacques Gabriel

Jean-Jacques Gabriel

Acroyoga Program
From his early childhood in Haiti, Jean-Jacques Gabriel has been focused on seeing, shaping, and amplifying beauty, which he defines as “a mixture of what circumstance commands and infinity implores”. The son of painter Jacques Gabriel, he painted before he could walk and later... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)
Sunday, July 28

8:00am EDT

The Return to You ~ Meditation & Journaling Practice

This immersive experience is crafted to complement the soul-enriching affirmations and journal prompts found within the pages of Faith Hunter's new journal "The Return to You." In this session, you will engage with mindful reflections that encourage self-discovery and affirmations that foster a deep-seated love for oneself. The workshop is a sanctuary where mindfulness meets self-compassion. Faith’s guidance helps you unlock your emotions, challenge limiting beliefs, and embrace the fullness of your being. You'll cultivate inner peace through intentional breathing practices and meditation, setting the tone for introspective journaling sessions where your thoughts and affirmations take flight. This workshop is not just a class; it's a transformative process that gifts you the clarity and courage to return to your truest self. Join us to honor your path, illuminate your spirit, and write the story of your heart's revival.

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Faith Hunter

Founder/Author/Speaker, Spiritually Fly™
Faith Hunter is an esteemed global yoga and meditation instructor, wellness philanthropist, movement motivator, healing guide, and passionate music enthusiast. She is the creator of the Spiritually Fly™ philosophy, a life approach designed to awaken the inner brilliance of the soul... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

10:00am EDT

Joyful Mindful Movement

This Vinyasa / Free form dance inspired class is a blend dynamic asana and booty shaken vibes to get out of our heads and into our bodies. The goal is unfettered joy! Together, we will build strength and flexibility while cultivating a sense of joy, fun and well-being. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this class is for you. NO DANCE EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Let’s have some fun!

avatar for Dianne Bondy

Dianne Bondy

Speaker/Presenter, Dianne Bondy Yoga
Self-Love is a Revolutionary ActDianne Bondy is a social justice activist, author, accessible yoga teacher,and the leader of the Yoga For All movement. Her inclusive approach to yoga empowers anyone to practice—regardless of their shape, size, ethnicity, or level of ability. Dianne... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 10:00am - 11:15am EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)

12:00pm EDT

Illuminate ~ Yin & Nidra

We will begin with a yin practice centered around positive intentions, grace, joy, and love that will hold you through the most challenging moments. You will receive hands on energy work and Reiki throughout the entire practice. Ending with a Yoga Nidra body scan, that is perfect for anyone looking to ILLUMINATE their body and soul with love and pure joy!

avatar for Tymi Howard

Tymi Howard

International Yoga Teacher, Tymi Howard Yoga & James Island Yoga Studio
Tymi is an international yoga teacher, certified holistic coach, creator of Manifest Yoga International Teacher Trainings, founder of Guruv Yoga Studios, and just opened up her latest passion project, James Island Yoga in Charleston, SC. Pioneering the Vinyasa and Yin Yoga movement... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Asheville Masonic Temple (Ballroom)
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