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The Venue (Balcony) [clear filter]
Thursday, July 25

8:00am EDT

Wisdom Warriors™

By the time (or even before) we reach mid-life, most of us will have some physical issues that can feel like real limitations. This can cause us to feel disheartened or discouraged about our bodies and pull back from our yoga practice or other exercise programs.

Now 65 years of age, Desirée has been refining her practice and teaching since the late 1980’s. She has learned from both her own and her students' experiences how to dynamically practice yoga in a way that respects limitations while continuing to explore potential.

What we need are equal parts of willingness and curiosity. Desirée continues her studies with Physical Therapists and other movement professionals in order to stay informed so she can help students work skillfully with whatever they have going on at the moment.

Growing older gracefully is definitely not for sissies as the body and mind are deeply interconnected. Come and find out how Wisdom Warriors play the Game of Life. Bring a yoga strap and a block.

avatar for Desiree Rumbaugh

Desiree Rumbaugh

Founder, Yoga by Desiree
Desiree Rumbaugh is an internationally recognized yoga teacher with unquenchable enthusiasm for life, love and healing. She blends playful humor with an authentic inquiry into the nature of being to bring the ancient teachings of wisdom into the asana practice and then into modern... Read More →

Thursday July 25, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

1:00pm EDT

Radical Movement ~ Radical Joy for Uncertain Times ~ An Aerial Yoga Experience

This immersion is for those that want an intimate experience with the aerial hammock as well as those that have an interest in meeting their next best friend (Hammock and/or Human). If you want to learn about yourself and how you move in the world this is the place for you. If aerial yoga is the movement practice you want to know more about, join me.

What if your life and all Earth life depends on the way you move physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually? What if choosing to become Somatically and Soul aware is the greatest gift you can give yourself and our planet? What if your life matters more than you can imagine, in these uncertain times?

At this moment within our ecological and cultural time, finding beauty and joy can be elusive. What type of practice, and in this case movement, will make a difference during times of challenge and times of peace? Join me for some play and some reflection.

This immersion into Radical Movement (your unique authentic movement) and Radical Joy (your enduring radiance) begins to explore these questions and more as we move together. When you move we move. When you move we may begin to discover together, what type of movement is possible in and out of the aerial yoga hammock.

The aerial hammock primes your awareness through somatic movement in play, heart openness, twisting, inverting perception, and cocoon-like holding. Guided aerial yoga postures and other prompts will bring awareness to the ways your unique authentic movement informs the choices you make at a personal level, within your community, and in the world at large.

Pairing the aerial hammock with your unique and authentic movement is sure to reveal the gifts we all need in uncertain times. Pairing hammock movement with reflection and imagination exercises we will write, draw, and express the gifts we all need in uncertain times. While we may walk away from this immersion with more questions than answers, consider becoming a seed that renews and rejoices in a life that matters and in lives that matter. Come ready to move, to explore, to be in community.

Are you the one that will attend?
Building partnership happens as we move together.
Join me in building personal awareness.
Join me in building community.
If community regenerates you, find yourself here.

I can’t wait to meet you!

Style: Aerial Yoga that is Hatha Informed w/ Guided Imagination & Dialogue

A note about Class Space and Configuration:

Because this practice is unique in its approach and set up, I’m inviting you to participate within an individual and partnered setting. With one anchor as a common rigging framework, I’ll be adding a second anchor point to accommodate another person. Each rig will support two participants. The mobile aerial rigs are designed to accommodate up to 1,000 lbs of dynamic weight load which means you and your fellow yogi/yogini will feel supported in this two anchor configuration. Each person will have their own aerial hammock. For inversions and other suspended postures each person will take turns in their hammock to ensure safety.

No aerial yoga or yoga experience is necessary to participate in this immersion.

If you enroll in this immersion additional information will be provided prior to our gathering about the way of the aerial yoga hammock, what to wear, what to prepare for and what to expect.

Have questions?? Reach out to me personally at tanya@blueplanetlivininginsitute.org.

avatar for Tanya Miller

Tanya Miller

Certified AIReal Instructor | Wilderness Doula
AIReal Yoga™ is recognized throughout the yoga community as an innovative leader in aerial yoga and is the backbone of practice with Tanya. As an ambassador of the AIReal Yoga™philosophy and method, Tanya is a lead AIReal Yoga™ teacher trainer that believes the aerial hammock... Read More →

Thursday July 25, 2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)
Friday, July 26

8:00am EDT

Vitality & Vision ~ The Art of Kundalini & Energetic Healing

This integrative workshop beautifully weaves the practice of Kundalini Yoga with the soul-soothing arts of guided meditation and Reiki healing.
Designed to enhance your inner and outer glow, this session draws upon the Magnificent Nine—a series that invigorates and balances your feminine energy while massaging your glands to alleviate stress. Alongside this dynamic practice, you will drift into a serene, guided meditation, allowing your mind to enter a state of profound peace and clarity.
To further enhance your journey towards wellness, Faith will share her years of energetic healing and the channeling universal energy to support emotional and physical healing while also aiding you in aligning your chakras and elevating your spirit.

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Faith Hunter

Founder/Author/Speaker, Spiritually Fly™
Faith Hunter is an esteemed global yoga and meditation instructor, wellness philanthropist, movement motivator, healing guide, and passionate music enthusiast. She is the creator of the Spiritually Fly™ philosophy, a life approach designed to awaken the inner brilliance of the soul... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

10:00am EDT

Bellydance Flow ~ Cultivating Presence & Grace

Immerse yourself in the fluid movements and mesmerizing rhythms of bellydance in this uplifting workshop focused on presence and grace. Through a fusion of bellydance techniques and mindfulness practices, participants will learn to cultivate a sense of presence, mindfulness, and inner peace as they flow through elegant movements and sensual rhythms.

This workshop offers a unique opportunity to connect with the body, quiet the mind, and experience a deeper sense of embodiment and grace.

avatar for Lisa Zahiya

Lisa Zahiya

Lisa Zahiya travels nationally and internationally as a life coach, event facilitator, coach, and speaker. Lisa is based in Asheville, NC where she is the founder & owner of Studio Zahiya, four time winner of "Best Place to Take a Dance Class" in Asheville, NC.  She also owns Zahiya... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:15am EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

12:00pm EDT

Free Body Fascia Flow ~ Lower Body

Did you know that our achilles tendon is more like that tendon on a gazelle than anything else?
What? Yep. When it’s working well, you can jump REALLY far and high because of that thick strip of powerful fascia. Fascia comes in many forms throughout the body and needs certain kinds of attention to allow for the greatest mobility, stability, and ease in your body.

In this workshop, anatomy and pain expert, Cat Matlock of FreeBody, will teach you a little bit about fascia and how to keep it from getting bound and sticky in your body. We’ll use soft balls for rolling and hydrating the fascia in the lower body and buttocks, then go through a series of simple but profound yoga asana flows to keep your fascia nourished. Come play in your fascial bodysuit! Let’s free up the feet, calves, hamstrings, and hips!

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Cat Matlock

Cat Matlock expertly guides her students and clients through simple practices to regain control of their nervous systems, get out of pain, and take their lives back.  For 30 years, Cat has worked in the field of healing chronic pain and suffering as a Trauma Informed Yoga Therapist... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

2:00pm EDT

Qi Yin

Coming into stillness within, accompanied by our breath of life, our bodies journey through energetic pathways that open up the flow of prana. The sticks and branches are cleared in this inner river of blessings while we lie on the earth that holds us. Here we steep for a time in each pose bringing fresh new energy and a deep calm touching upon the breath of life.

avatar for Gota Cebrero

Gota Cebrero

Gota resides in the majestic mountains of Asheville, North Carolina and has been sharing the beautiful path of yoga for over 20 years.  He teaches mindful flow, restorative and yin, weaving in pranayama and meditation and is a  E-RYT 500 YA certified .

Friday July 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

4:00pm EDT

Soul Groove ~ A Sound Journey for Inner Awakening

Experience how sound and healing music can be used to unlock many of our blocks and challenges we experience daily. Using Sound Off Experience headphones, DJ Taz Rashid shares his wisdom and path in sound healing as we meditate, tune inward, gain clarity and listen to the language of our spirit. We will open up the four directions and expect to hear healing deep relaxation sounds from all over the world such as singing bowls, didgeridoos, over-tone singing, percussion, Native American flutes, guitar and atmospheric soundscapes to guide the journey. This is the inner revolution your body has been looking for.

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DJ Taz Rashid

Musician/Producer/DJ, Soul Groove Wellness
DJ Taz Rashid brings a high vibrational energy to any room instantly by mixing the beats and rhythms of Love, Ancient New World, House, Devotional, and all the cosmic sounds. He is known for his unique style of blending electronic dance music with yoga and meditation, which has made... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:15pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)
Saturday, July 27

8:00am EDT

Rocking & Rhythm Thai Massage for Neck, Shoulders & Spine

There’s a wealth of therapeutic potential in Thai massage’s moments of rocking and rhythm. A subtle and continuous rocking, soft jiggling, and slow shaking can greatly advance us in softening, and surrendering resistance. We’ll focus on the neck, shoulder, and spine to build our capacity to share healing touch that is fluid with pleasant pockets of tender intuition. No experience in Thai massage necessary, please come with a partner you want to give and receive with.

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Jean-Jacques Gabriel

Acroyoga Program
From his early childhood in Haiti, Jean-Jacques Gabriel has been focused on seeing, shaping, and amplifying beauty, which he defines as “a mixture of what circumstance commands and infinity implores”. The son of painter Jacques Gabriel, he painted before he could walk and later... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

10:00am EDT

Cats, Camels & Cobras ~ Backbends

In this class you will learn how to make the mind-body connection more conscious and therefore helpful in your backbend poses. Any type of pain we feel during our practice is meant to be a guide to help us strengthen our weak parts and soften the tight ones. Gradually we can feel less limited and more empowered. Let’s explore these poses with curiosity and discover possibilities together.

avatar for Desiree Rumbaugh

Desiree Rumbaugh

Founder, Yoga by Desiree
Desiree Rumbaugh is an internationally recognized yoga teacher with unquenchable enthusiasm for life, love and healing. She blends playful humor with an authentic inquiry into the nature of being to bring the ancient teachings of wisdom into the asana practice and then into modern... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

12:00pm EDT

Awaken the Lakshmi Codes

Awaken the Lakshmi Codes and activate your heart fire in this uplifting practice of backbends, mantra, mudra, and pranayama.

Sianna will weave the alchemical practices of yoga with the Lakshmi Codes through her signature storytelling and anchor it into the body and psyche with symbols, codes, teachings, asana flow, and powerful breath work. Backbends untie the knots of the heart and free up stuck energy to enhance the whole bioenergetic system. This intelligent sequence pulses with symmetrical and asymmetrical backbends to build healthy alignment for practice and everyday posture. This sequence increases vitality, strengthens the posterior chain of muscles, cultivates a growth mindset, and grounds the codes of abundance, dharma and liberation into your life and practice.

The key practices of Rasa Yoga include: asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), mantra (healing sound vibration), mudra (energy seals created by the hands), meditation (expanded states of awareness), and vichara (self-inquiry). When you activate the Lakshmi Codes in a balanced way, your whole life shines! You become an agent of dharma, peace, abundance, and liberation for All Beings. Rasa Yoga is a bhakti fusion of asana, mantra, mudra, myth, pranayama, meditation, functional anatomy, Tantric yoga philosophy, shadow work, social justice advocacy and soul alchemy.

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Sianna Sherman

Visionary & Founder, Rasa Yoga Collective
My pronouns are she/her. I’m an international yoga teacher, storyteller, speaker, and guide for transformative experiences through yoga, alchemy and collective ritual. I’m the visionary and founder of Rasa Yoga, Mythic Yoga Flow®, and RITUAL 13-Moon Mystery School.

Saturday July 27, 2024 12:00pm - 1:15pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

2:00pm EDT

Art as a Spiritual Path

Expressing our creativity is both relaxing and fun. During this session, Amanda will first share what she learned on her journey of making art as a spiritual practice with her 10,000 Buddhas project. Then you will be guided through a visual meditation to discover your own inspiration and mystical nature. Afterward, we will take time to draw, color, and journal what we experienced. No experience is necessary.

avatar for Amanda Giacomini

Amanda Giacomini

Creator, 10,000 Buddhas
Amanda Giacomini is an artist and yoga teacher who is best known for her 10,000 Buddhas project. Inspired by ancient Buddhist artwork in the Ajanta caves in India, Amanda set out on a mission to paint 10,000 Buddhas. After a decade of painting, 10,000 Buddhas is a worldwide art project... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

4:00pm EDT

The 6 Tastes of Ayurveda

Learn about the basic principles of Ayurvedic nutrition and how it applies to your health and wellness. In this class, we'll explore what it means to eat with an Ayurvedic diet, along with basic tools for you to go home with and apply to your own life. We'll also be showcasing a food demo of some nutritious Ayurvedic foods along with DIYing your own Spice Blend! Join Nishita as she brings the science of Ayurveda to align with your perfect state of health!

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Nishita Shah

Nishita is a passionate Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga teacher & trainer, and a certified yoga therapist. While studying at the Ayurvedic Institute (AI), Nishita had the great fortune to learn Ayuryoga® with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, and received her 500-hr Ayuryoga® certification... Read More →

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Ayurprana Institute

AyurPrana provides a modern approach to personal wellness. Inspired by the ancient sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga, we offer practices specific to your mind/body type and in support of your personal health - so you can flourish into your full self-expression!This is how we raise consciousness... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)
Sunday, July 28

8:00am EDT

Luminous Soul, Radiant Life

When you know, you know. The sacred trine of Sun, Moon, Earth create our experience of time and space. Each of us have been uniquely etched in relationship to these cycles. Aligning our practice to the great and universal cycles of the sacred trine allows us the ability to cultivate a meaningful relationship with divinity as embodied in nature. Through this alignment, we can experience a deep and sustaining vitality ~ we become radiant. Lecture, movement and meditation coalesce around the path of the moon and the wisdom and harmony of the lunar.

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Sierra Hollister

Teaching since 1992, Sierra delights in the physical: yoga, running, digging into the soil, traversing curvatures, and chanting mantra. Here, she finds perpetual awakening, in love-struck wonder, to the deep interconnectedness of all life. Love, movement, gratitude and devotion coalesce... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

10:00am EDT

Back Repair

After a few years of lower back instability I found an inner strength and some self empowerment with the Foundation Training movements. These unique postures combined with ‘Connection to Creation’ prana focus and ‘Breakthrough Shadow Work’ to illuminate the potential inner wisdom of the body bring us on a path of repair and healing.

avatar for Masood Ali Khan

Masood Ali Khan

Hello my name is Masood Ali Khan, my pronouns are he/him.I am a pioneer of singing mantras with the hand pan for the benefit of humanity.I am a intuitive creative shadow work group facilitator, sound healer, men’s group,actor and devoted father and partner.As a musician and believer... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

12:00pm EDT

Abiding In Flow

Practicing self-control without attachment to outcomes is the method described in Patańjali's Yogasūtra (1.12). It is a way to not only find the flow state (where we are completely focused in the present, creative, productive, happy and in control), it is a way to abide in it day and night. Come for a gentle all-levels practice that integrates Patañjali’s Yoga Philosophy and the research of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

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Michael Johnson

I've been a full-time yoga instructor for over twenty years, a teacher trainer since 2003 and an advanced teacher trainer since 2007. After travelling to India to study in Mysore and sitting for three 10-day Vipassanā retreats, I studied Tibetan Buddhism and took the Jīvamukti Yoga... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)

2:00pm EDT

Liberate the Voice~Embody Authenticity

This session is designed to explore pathways that build more authenticity and creativity in your yoga practice, yoga teaching and in all aspects of your life. Our voice is a powerful tool, and a direct expression of our intimate self. It changes significantly with different nervous system states. Due to life’s circumstances, many of us lose the ability to authentically utilize one of the greatest tools we have been given, our voice. We will utilize skillful asana sequencing, bhakti yoga, somatic practices, and sangha to guide our time together. You will leave inspired, informed, and aware of how to find more authentic ways of practicing and/or teaching and being in life.

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Luna Ray

Luna Ray is a yoga teacher, a workshop and retreat leader, kirtan musician and recording artist, and an activist for conscious and empowered community collaboration. She is P-SEP (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner) certified, a mother to two girls, and has traveled the world extensively... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
The Venue (Balcony)
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