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Jessica goukas

Jessica lives in western NC with her husband (owner and operator of JAG Construction) and 3 young boys. She is passionate about making change on this planet through the way we eat and how we connect with one another and the natural world around us.
Growing up on the coast of Maine, Jessica began studying herbal medicine with a local herbalist as a high schooler.  She continued her studies at Warren Wilson, earning her degree in Environmental Science and Education while making and selling herbal products to support the school through the college's work program. Jessica then completed her master's at Daoist Traditions College of Oriental Medicine and worked for in private practice as an acupuncturist for several years before becoming a full-time mom. It was during this time that she narrowed her focus to preventive medicine through nutrition and combining food and medicine. She is now offering enriching culinary experiences, as well as herbal workshops, and is excited to share her gifts with the world and make it a better place one meal at a time