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Nishita Shah

Nishita is a passionate Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga teacher & trainer, and a certified yoga therapist. While studying at the Ayurvedic Institute (AI), Nishita had the great fortune to learn Ayuryoga® with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, and received her 500-hr Ayuryoga® certification. Nishita now leads and develops the curriculum for all the Yoga Teacher Trainings at The Ayurvedic Institute for the 200, 300, & 500-hr programs. Prior to her studies at The Ayurvedic Institute, Nishita attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham where she received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. 

Nishita believes in the power of healing through Ayurveda, Yoga, and Nutrition. She currently works with clients with all of these sciences with AyurPrana, teaches regularly at Asheville Yoga Center, and is senior faculty and yoga director at The Ayurvedic Institute.